Wednesday, October 20, 2010

STILL ♥ING ACTIVISM Festival in Wien

One week of fireworks of emancipator practice and theory. From people, initiatives and projects that want make conditions against racist, sexist and antisemitic 'normal being' dance. Repression wants to intimidate and make invisible not us only.  But the desire for a mutually supportive interaction lets suppress itself through either through prisons, deportation and "safe areas", or prohibition to beg or other seemingly moral actions.
Fight Repression! Love Activism!

Eine Woche Feuerwerk emanzipativer Praxen und Theorien. Von Menschen, Initiativen und Projekten, die die Verhältnisse gegen den rassistischen, sexistischen und antisemitischen “Normalzustand” zum Tanzen bringen wollen. Repression will, nicht nur uns, einschüchtern und unsichtbar machen. Doch das Begehren nach einem solidarischen Miteinander lässt sich weder durch Gefängnisse, Abschiebungen und “Schutzzonen”, noch Bettelverbote oder andere scheinmoralische Maßnahmen unterdrücken.
Fight Repression! Love Activism!

Audimax of the University Wien is Occupied!!!

Following general assemblies at universities across Austria about 20,000 people joined protests linked to the "Global Wave of Action for Education" in various cities! 15,000 of them in the capital Vienna alone.

Following the demonstration close to 1,000 students stormed the largest lecture hall and re-occupied the "Audimax" at the University of Vienna!!!
It is still being squatted by hundreds until now!

Check out the "live-stream":
More from Indymedia Austria:

Noone is Illegal Protest in front of the Polish Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine on 22 October 2010

22 жовтня о 16-00 незалежні профспілки, представники лівих рухів та організацій, антифашисти України проведуть пікетування польської амбасади (вул. Ярославів Вал, 12) під лозунгом «жодна людина не є нелегальною» з вимогами прискорити легалізацію заробітчан, що не мають офіційного статусу у Польщі. У формі театралізованого перформансу буде продемонстрована тяжкість життя заробітчанина-нелегала. У це же день у Варшаві відбудеться пікетування Сейму з тими самими вимогами, у ньому візьмуть участь також заробітчани з України, ліві та анархісти з Польщі.

Student protests against commercialization of education in Ukraine

On October 12, over 20000 Ukrainian students came to the streets to protest the decision of the government to allow public universities to introduce new burdening fees. A total of 15 cities were protesting, fromthe West to the East of the country. Major rallies were held in Kiev, Lviv, Kharkov, Uzhhorod and Simferopol. Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zhitomir, Kamyanets-Podolsk, Sumy, Khmelnitsky, Kirovograd, Lugansk, Lutsk and Sevastopol were protesting as well.

A Város Mindenkié (The City for Everyone) walking demonstration in Budapest on 17 October

A Város Mindenkié (The City for Everyone) walking demonstration took place on 17 October 2010 in Budapest. The call for the demo and the description from one newspaper - below in Hungarian. I will provide an English translation later.